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Represent your college in
Asia's Largest Technical and Entrepreneurial Festival

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Techkriti is the annual inter-collegiate Technical and Entrepreneurship festival organized by the students of IIT Kanpur. Techkriti is a non-profit organization which was launched in 1995 with the aim of developing interest and encouraging innovation in technology among students of India. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, widely celebrated as a centre of academic excellence, is proud to announce the 29th edition of its Technological and Entrepreneurial Festival, Techkriti. Over time, Techkriti has firmly established its reputation as one of the largest technical festivals in Asia, igniting the passion within budding individuals and providing a platform for them to showcase their skills. Innovation and perseverance form the forefront of this blockbuster event, with social welfare also getting the importance it deserves. Every year we impute ambassadors from different colleges throughout the country, whose main responsibility is to publicize Techkriti, in and out of his/her college, while giving them the opportunity to develop their organizational and management skills.



Golden opportunity to witness the grandeur of Techkriti in one of the most renowned and prestigious institutions of the country, IIT Kanpur. Excellent platform to sharpen your Communication and Technical skills. Be a part of national level event promotion and brand management. Chance to organize National Level Competitions in your college. Form a valuable network with thousands of brilliant like-minded students from all across the country. An easy way to get acquainted with ever-changing trends of the Technical and Entrepreneurial World. Opportunity to keep abreast with cutting - edge technologies from IIT Kanpur.

  • Responsibilities


      CAs arrange workshops and activities in their respective colleges with the aid of Techkriti. Thus, they serve as the liaison between Techkriti and the respective college administrations.

      College Publicity

      A campus ambassador also helps in publicising Techkriti, and ensuring participation of the respective campus community

      On Social Media

      CAs must also promote Techkriti via the social media platform by utilizing their social media network for the development of Techkriti'24.

      Through Blogs

      A campus ambassador also enhances his/her writing abilities through our blog series, in which he/she can share opinions on any topic for publication on Techkriti's official social media handles.





    • Guaranteed paid and unpaid internships to top CAs.
    • Four year mentorship program tailored to benefit our CAs
    • Premium subscriptions and courses to boost your knowledge and career
    • Training programs, interaction sessions and webinars from industry experts for free
    • Certificate of appreciation to all CAs and an internship letter of recommendation to the top performing CAs from Techkriti, IIT Kanpur
    • Top CAs will get a chance to visit IIT Kanpur and attend a premium workshop for free
    • Supervised courses from industry experts on entrepreneurial domain
    • Stand a chance to collaborate with Techkriti to organise workshops and tech and entrepreneurship competitions at your institution



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    • Brought to you By

      Internship & Training

    • Learning Partner


    • Training Partner


    • Learning Partner

      Crossing Hurdle

    • Assessment Partner


    • Learning Partner

      E Learn Markets By StockEdge

    • Internship Partner

      Buzz on Earth

    • Associate Sponsor

      Rahul Solutions




Prakhar Chhalotre
Organizer, Hospitality



Smriti Singh
Organizer, Hospitality



Purabi Kakati
Organizer, Hospitality



Jayant Nagar
Organizer, Hospitality



Mayank Shekhar
Organizer, Hospitality



Nikund Jain
Head, Events and Competitions



Raghav Modani
Head, Events and Competitions



Abhiyanshu Kumar
Head, Events and Competitions
